Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Need my passion back

I became a vegetarian when I was 12 years old. I remember having to learn about what I could and couldn't eat and learning how to tell my family about why without sounding preachy. I was so passionate about it. I mainly became a vegetarian for animal rights reasons because to be honest, at that time I really didn't know about the health or environmental reasons. I just knew I didn't want to eat animals anymore and I never went back to it. I tell people it is probably the most important decision I have made in my entire life. I say that because of the impact it has had on so many other parts of my life besides my diet.

So fast forward to today. I am still a vegetarian and I cook most of my meals at home and from ingredients I get from local farms, but I feel something is missing. I have tried talking to my husband about it, how I feel that I don't have the passion that I used to have. My feelings about animal rights and vegetarianism as a whole are still the same but I don't know how to express it. I am all for joining a club or a group or donating to a cause but I want to do more. While online reading a few of the vegetarian blogs I like, I got excited when I saw that on Sept. 11 there is VegFest DC! I'm hoping this is my vegetarian revival :).

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